The rules, once you receive the award, appear on the original blog. The main requirement is to, in turn, award five people who inspire me. That, my friends, is difficult to do, because I draw inspiration in many different forms from many different people.
I started this blog for the purpose of communicating with the group of wonderful friends who comprise my stamp club. These women have been a long-time source of inspiration for me, and it was my intention to give something back to them. I don't really know when the steady blog "traffic" began, but nearly 50,000 "hits" later, this crazy thing has become so much more than I ever imaged it would be. Like I've said before, it was kind of scary at first. I got over it, but nevertheless have appreciated feedback whether it be in the form of a message left on the blog, email, or in person. From that feedback, I've not only derived the inspiration to keep creating but at times, when life's taken its little turns, to keep breathing. The gratitude I've felt at those times goes beyond simple words.
While they are tough rules to follow, I am nevertheless going to honor the originator of this award and follow them, naming Maricar, Pammy, Nicole, Terri, Kari, and Marjorie as my picks. I could literally name dozens of others from whom I've drawn inspiration at different times for different reasons.
Jeanne, thank you!! I believe you and I comprise a mutual adoration society, which I hope lasts forever.
Tired tonight, I don't know that all that I've said makes sense, but I'm too pooped to proofread. What I want you to know is that I appreciate YOU! This blog has afforded me the opportunity to share what I love. I get to spout off a bit, too, and in doing so, share little pieces of me. For me, it's kind of like a sane place in my crazy, but mostly good, world. Thank you for sharing it with me.
whoooooooooo??? lil ol me?
Oh please, Kathi...I can't finish 1 to your TEN awesome pieces of art!
Thanks so much for the honor!
Thanks for mentioning me...but honestly you truly DESERVE the honor and I think you made some PERFECT choices as recipients!
I'm so happy you've found your "little" niche in the blogosphere. Keep blogging! And we'll keep CASING your amazing creations!
I really love your blog! You deserve the awards :)
Yvonne Wickenkamp
Oh my goodness.
I had been "gone" from blog world for a while. Life got in the way ... again. But, I was just scrolling through, skimming your words and getting inspired (as always) by your work.
Then I see this.
Thanks Kathi.
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