Friday, November 16, 2007

It's a Link

I just received an email from a gal requesting information about the clear-top tins I used to make Nugget boxes. Having had linked to Specialty Bottle Supply in my original Nugget box post and several times thereafter, I was surprised by her request. Then it dawned on me that perhaps she hadn't recognized the links. With that, I realized that maybe others don't either.

Any words in any post that appear in dark print are links to the websites or blogs of people or products I'm discussing. If you right click on the words, you will be redirected to other site. Once you've been there, you can click the arrow that points left in the upper left-hand corner next to the address bar to return to Kathi's Corner. I hope that's not confusing.

I'm not all that computer savvy myself with regard to terms and the like. In fact, if Blogger was not extremely user-friendly, this blog wouldn't exist, because I wouldn't have had the patience for it. Nonetheless, it's a learn-as-you-go process for me. Only in the past couple of weeks have I learned out to place photos where I want them within the text, and there's a few other things I'd like to figure out how to do, too. One of the most important goals I have for this blog is to provide information. I hope I'm accomplishing that.

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